Freitag, 3. Juni 2016

Star Wars: Regrets of the Past

Yesterday we were at the cinema thanks to Planet Harry where we were invited to the first screening of a Star Wars fan film called Regrets of the Past.

After a reception with sparkling wine in the foyer of the cinema we were then allowed to take our seats - with about 700 people including cast and crew of the movie, their friends and family and lots of Star Wars fans.

The movie itself was very well made - the special effects, the sound and costume design was great. The only things I had a small complaints with are the amateur actors - beside the two real actors - and some very strange dialogues. The fighting scenes and the whole concept as brilliant though.

I'm just hoping that the movie will be available online soon - since it's a fan project - and that other people can also watch and enjoy it as much as we did.

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